Thursday, February 28, 2008

A picture worth a thousand words....?

The blind leading the blind here. But with good humour and one or two who seem to know what they are doing, we as a group seem to be gaining progress....some show-offs much quicker at it than me, that's for sure.

This picture is the only one I happened to have on my memory stick. It's of a very muddy field overcrowded with cattle and was part of collected evidence that was used to stop a very naughty farmer man from smelling out our village. The field is green again, the cattle have been reduced in numbers and the populace have been able to remove the pegs from their noses.


pls@slnsw said...

Good picture indeed, could almost smell it from here.


Deborah Lawrenson said...

Hello, Narelle - thanks for visting my blog! Enjoy your blog journey.